Bosna i Hercegovina
Uprava za indirektno - neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Управа за индиректно опорезивање

Rolex and luxury handbags confiscated at Sarajevo Airport

Carrying out increased checks on passengers who arrived at Sarajevo International Airport, authorised the Indirect Taxation Authority officials successfully prevented an attempt to illegally import an expensive Rolex watch, branded handbags, cigarettes and a large amount of illegal medical products (steroids and anabolics). The goods that were not declared for import customs clearance were found with four individuals, citizens of the Republic of China and the Republic of Türkiye. The total value of the temporarily seized goods is estimated at BAM 145,500, and the legal proceedings will be initiated against the persons with whom the undeclared goods were found.

This is another realised activity of ITA authorized officials, which emphasizes the importance of cooperation with international organizations UNODC (AIRCOP/ACCU), as well as within the framework of the EXBS program. The ITA expresses its gratitude for the large number of trainings and for the donated equipment, which significantly improved the implementation of activities on the ground in terms of preventing smuggling and reducing illegal trade at border crossings.

The Indirect Taxation Authority in BiH invites all citizens to report any form of customs or VAT evasion, or illegal sale of excise goods, to our open line 080 02 06 07. All calls are free and completely anonymous.