Bosna i Hercegovina
Uprava za indirektno - neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Управа за индиректно опорезивање

The implementation of the Twinning Project Strengthening the capacity of the Indirect Taxation Authority has begun

The first Management Board meeting of the Twinning Project Strengthening the capacity of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) was held today (06.12.2023) at the Indirect Taxation Office, attended by project partners, the EU member states, Italy and Lithuania and representatives of the EU Delegation. The meeting was chaired by the ITA Director, Mr. Zoran Tegeltija, who highlighted the importance of this project for the ITA, and gave support in the work to achieve the results of the project, which are very demanding and important for further improving the work and efficiency of the Indirect Taxation Authority.

The project is financed by the EU from the IPA 2020 funds. The general objective of the project, worth EUR 1 000 000, is to further align the legislation and practices of BiH with the legal acquis of the Union and the application of legislation, practices and the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in the field of indirect taxation. The project aims to improve the overall impact of the ITA by applying new laws, procedures and well-developed efficient systems of customs, VAT and excise control systems.

Support and capacity building for further alignment of customs and tax legislation, procedures and standards with the Union acquis is necessary to create better conditions for more efficient legislation and thus contribute to more efficient functioning of the ITA, in particular in the area of combating customs and fiscal fraud, as well as other negative revenue-raising effects. In addition, the procedures and practices applied in the administrations of the EU member states (dealing with indirect taxation) should be presented to the ITA and applied, taking into account the legislative framework and IT capabilities of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Project implemented by: Agency under the Ministry of Economy and Finance EUTALIA, Rome, Italy

Twinning partners:

  • – Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency,
  • – Italian Revenue Collection, Rome, Italy
  • – Ministry of Finance of Republic of Lithuania (Customs Department), Vilnus, Lithuania
  • – Indirect Taxation Authority, Bosnia and Herzegovina

 Project duration:

The implementation of the project started on September 25, 2023. and shall last 24 months.

 Project activities:

  1. Coordination of customs and tax legislation (customs, VAT, excise, forced collection, transit)
  2. Development of the organisational culture of customs risk management
  3. Support to the Internal Audit Department of the ITA
  4. Support to the expert team for the implementation of the FATF Action Plan (FATF – Financial Activities Task Forces – Working Group for Financial Activities)