Bosna i Hercegovina
Uprava za indirektno - neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Управа за индиректно опорезивање

Optical sights, mobile phones and blood pressure gauges seized

The Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA), authorised officials, in the territory of RC Tuzla, seized a large amount of various goods (optical sights, blood pressure gauges, mobile phones), the total market value is estimated at approximately BAM 298,500.

ITA authorised officials, Group for the Prevention of Smuggling and Violations, Department for the Implementation of Regulations of RC Tuzla, in cooperation with the officers of the Audit and Control Group, Tax Department of RC Tuzla and officers of the Information Group, performed a simultaneous check and traffic control and the origin of the goods based on available information about irregularities in the operations of a legal entity from the territory of RC Tuzla. During the checks, a large amount of goods of foreign origin (optical sights, blood pressure gauges, hearing aids) were found for which there was no legally prescribed documentation and it was confiscated.

Also, the authorised officials of the Group for the Prevention of Smuggling and Misdemeanors, Department for the Implementation of Regulations of RC Tuzla, on the basis of operational tactical work, carried out the necessary actions and activities to combat illegality under the jurisdiction of the Internal Revenue Service and confiscated items from legal entities from the territory of RC Tuzla. In this case too, it was about a large quantity of goods of foreign origin for which there was no legally prescribed documentation (mobile phones iPhone 14, iPhone 13, Samsung).

The total value of confiscated goods in the operational activities of the Group for the Prevention of Smuggling and Misdemeanors, Department for the Implementation of Regulations of RC Tuzla is approximately BAM 298,500, while for the established illegalities from the Law on Customs Offenses of BiH, legal and responsible persons were issued misdemeanor orders and imposed fines in the amount of BAM 21,000.

Specialised equipment, donated by the American Embassy through the EXBS and UNODC programs, was used during the implementation of measures within its jurisdiction.

The Indirect Taxation Authority invites all citizens to report any form of customs or VAT evasion, or illegal sale of excise goods, to our open line 080 02 06 07. All calls are free and completely anonymous.