Bosna i Hercegovina
Uprava za indirektno - neizravno oporezivanje

Босна и Херцеговина
Управа за индиректно опорезивање

Hunting rifles and tobacco seized

Authorized officers of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA), Mostar Regional Center, in cooperation with police officers of the MOI TC PS Kladanj and the BiH Border Police seized a large quantity of tobacco products and hunting rifles worth about 137,000 BAM.

Officers of the Indirect Taxation Authority, the Group for the Prevention of Smuggling and Misdemeanors of the RC Tuzla in cooperation with police officers of the MOI TC PS Kladanj based on operational work and operational tactical measures taken in the municipality of Kladanj noticed a vehicle containing a large amount of fine tobacco intended for further distribution and marketing. On that occasion, the vehicle was searched, all in accordance with the instructions of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH and the order of the Court of BiH. During the search, 120.8 kg of finely cut tobacco without excise stamps was found, which was temporarily confiscated. Also, in several separate actions in the area covered by RC Tuzla, 125 kg of finely cut tobacco and 50,884 pieces of hand-rolled cigarettes were seized from 3 individuals.

Intensified activities related to the implementation of regulations, and focusing on risky locations such as border crossings and customs offices, authorized officials of the Group for the Prevention of Smuggling and Misdemeanors of RC Tuzla since the beginning of the year revealed several irregularities: six irregularities at Rača border crossings, Orašje and the Tuzla customs office, where a large quantity of undeclared and hidden goods (computer equipment, parts for expensive vehicles, branded sneakers, digital pressure gauges) was found, as well as goods that require special permits and approvals.

A detailed inspection of the shipment of relocating items arrived from the USA, was performed with the assistance of police officers from the Central Investigation Office of the BiH Border Police and customs officers from the Tuzla Central Police, during which 2 special hunting rifles were found. Specialist equipment (CT-30) as well as vehicles donated by the US Embassy through the EXBS program were used in the course of measures within its competence.

The value of seized items in these operational activities is 137,000.00 BAM, and fines in the amount of 12,800.00 BAM were imposed.

Against the suspects, and due to the existence of grounds for suspicion that the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Excise Products, under Article 210 a of the Law on Amendments to the Criminal Code of BiH (“Official Gazette of BiH”, No. 08/10), will be filed Report on the committed criminal offense and the perpetrator to the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH invites all citizens to report to our open-line 080 02 06 07 any form of customs or VAT evasion, or illegal sale of excise products. All calls are free and completely anonymous.

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